Cultural network update – The “Minds in Migration” series of debates (New York, September 22, 2014 - April 24, 2015)

The Embassy of France in the United States and the Collège international de philosophie will host, from September 22, 2014 to April 24, 2015, a series of debates entitled “Minds in Migration,” with the support of the Institut français.


The debates will be based on a selection of works translated from French and will focus on contemporary issues : reconciliation, self-censorship, the environment, capitalism, interreligious dialogue, etc. Philosophers, writers, artists, social and political scientists, translators, journalists and movie directors will take part in the discussions.

The second part of this program featuring the “Night of Philosophers,” will take place on April 24, 2015, in New York.

The complete program is available here :

Dernière modification : 17/09/2014

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